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Jak powstał i czym się charakteryzuje krzywy las niedaleko Szczecina?

How was the crooked forest near Szczecin created and what is its characteristic?

In the ranking of peculiar natural monuments, the Crooked Forest is certainly on the podium. These almost hundred-year-old crooked trees are a unique tourist attraction for all visitors to the vicinity of Szczecin. Let's check what the Crooked Forest is, how it was created and where to find accommodation and a hotel. Szczecin has a wide range of accommodation worth using!
How was the Crooked Forest created? The Crooked Forest is a unique phenomenon in the country, we will not find another one. It is located in Nowy Czarnów, just four kilometers from Gryfino. This peculiar forest consists of over 50 deformed pines (once there were more of them). large, covers an area of ​​about 0.30 ha. It is estimated that the pines were probably planted in 1934. When looking at the forest of crooked trees, we notice that, instead of growing vertically in all pines, the trunk turns at an angle of 90 degrees just above the ground and bends in a wide arc towards but there are straight pines around them, so it seems that the curvature was deliberately created, especially since this type of curvature of the Scots pine trunk is very rare, suggesting that it was caused by mechanical damage. The forest of crooked trees stimulates the imagination. Although they are almost 90 years old, pines are relatively short, their height does not exceed 15 meters. Researchers say that young trees, about 7-10 years old, probably veins cut at the side branches. Although the pines themselves are fairly well-described, little is known about the formation of the Crooked Forest. As a result, the Crooked Forest has fired the imagination of native nature enthusiasts for years, creating new hypotheses trying to explain the reason for its creation. One theory is that the trees were especially damaged so that they could later be used to build boats, ladles, sleds, furniture or household appliances. According to Professor Kremer, who appeared on the TV program Galileo, the reason for the peculiar curvature of the trunks was the cutting down of 6-10-year-old pines for use in Christmas trees. The pines had been deliberately left with the last lower branch, so that it continued to grow upright. Over time, this made it a characteristic curvilinear. However, it is still unknown what really happened, so the mystery of the forest of crooked trees is still waiting to be solved. The accounts and stories of people from those times who were directly involved in the creation or maintenance of the forest would be of invaluable help. A meeting with a pre-war gamekeeper or someone from his closest circle could cut off speculation for good and reveal this intriguing mystery to this day. Especially that before the Second World War, Pomeranian forests operated in accordance with the legal order and not everyone could interfere with the tree stand. Krzywy Las - Gryfino has started revitalization. As part of the agreement between the Gryfino Commune, Polska Grupa Energetyczna and the State Forests, Krzywy Las is being revitalized. In November 2021, 1,000 Scots pines were planted. As soon as they get older, the foresters will start to curve them. The plantation of new curves will be created partly from seeds collected from crooked trees, while the rest will be mechanically curved. There are plans not only to enlarge the area of ​​the Krzywy Las, but also to prepare hardened paths and build small wooden architecture. Revitalization is expected to end in 2022. Krzywy Las - Gryfino has published the first guide to curves. "Crooked Forest - an extraordinary place", which describes its phenomenon, the most popular theories about the creation and the plan to revitalize this unique natural monument. The guide can be found at tourist information centers in Gryfino and Szczecin. Tag the Crooked Forest! Gryfino also encourages visitors to publish photos on social media with the tag #KrzywyLas and share their opinion about its creation. Krzywy Las - Szczecin eagerly goes there at the weekend Residents of Szczecin, but also tourists visiting the city, can easily reach Krzywy Las by regional train or by car. All you have to do is take the train at the Central Port of Szczecin, and after 30 minutes you get off at Dolna Odra station and from there you can walk to the forest of crooked trees. When choosing a car trip, let's head to Gryfino, to be there after three quarters of an hour. Accommodation base - choose a hotel. Szczecin has a rich offer When planning a trip to the Crooked Forest, a hotel in Szczecin will be a good starting point. Szczecin is an attractive city with a lot to offer, regardless of the season. The multitude of architectural monuments, the boulevards on the Oder that enchant in the evenings, the vast port, but also the unique gastronomic offer will ensure that we will not be bored during our stay here. To make the trip one of the unforgettable ones, let's anchor at the Dana Hotel. Top location where we will have close proximity to everything, amazing architecture of the building and interior that will take us back to the 1920s. Splendor, luxury and comfort at your fingertips. Especially that after a day of sightseeing, we can relax in the sauna or go for a treatment at the hotel's SPA. And then have dinner in the hotel restaurant, which was appreciated by the authors of the Gault & Millau Yellow Culinary Guide and Magda Gessler.

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